Specifier: Electrical Measurements
CMB Associates Inc
Manufacturer of the Meter-Comparator demonstrator, a product which effectively explains energy conservation, cost savings, and...
Electro Optical Industries Inc
Design and manufacture of infrared test and calibration instrumentation since 1964. Customers include infrared laboratories...
Electromag S.A. de C.V. / MAGG
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Extech Instruments Corporation
Instruments for testing, measurement, calibration, datalogging and control in footcandles and LUX, including ultraviolet light...
FIMAB (Fagersta Instrument AB)
testing equipment for testing to IEC 598
Gamma Scientific
With over 50 years of experience in developing light testing instruments, Gamma Scientific is trusted...

Gigahertz-Optik Inc
Manufacturer of optical radiation measurement instrumentation: UV-Vis-NIR radiometers, photometers, colorimeters, integrating spheres, optical & laser...
Goddard Design Company
DMX512 test and distribution equipment, scenery mechanization controls and theatrical intercom.
Haefely Hipotronics
At HAEFELY HIPOTRONICS we believe that access to safe and reliable power is not just...
Hoffman Engineering Corp / Topcon
Design and manufacture of photometric test equipment; provides calibration and repair services; manufacturer of avionic...