Company Types: Organization

Consortium for Energy Efficiency Inc

A national, non-profit public benefits corporation which promotes the manufacture and purchase of energy-efficient products...

Construction Institute

The Construction Institute/University of Hartford is a non-profit, non-partisan association of diverse professionals working to...

Designers Lighting Forum of New York

The Designers Lighting Forum of New York is committed to exploring and presenting the power...

DesignLights Consortium

The DLC, a collaboration of utility companies and regional energy efficiency organizations, is committed to...

EMerge Alliance

The EMerge Alliance is an open industry association leading the rapid adoption of safe DC...

Energy Federation Inc

European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

eceee, the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, is a membership-based non-profit association. We...

European Optical Society

The purpose of the EOS is to contribute to the scientific progress in Optics and...

Foerdergemeinschaft Gutes Licht (FGL)

Organization of 140 companies of the german lighting industry; is a part of the central...